The KNF Board - Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego


Krystian Wiercioch, Deputy Chair of the Board

Modification date:

Krystian Wiercioch

Krystian Wiercioch has 23 years of experience in supervisory activities. In 1999–2002, he worked at the Polish Insurance Supervision Authority, where he was responsible for, among others, ongoing supervision of insurance undertakings and performing inspection tasks in the area of valuation of provisions. From 2002, he worked at the Polish Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Commission, and from 2006 at the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (UKNF), holding managerial positions in the area of insurance supervision. From 2009, he served as Deputy Director, and then as Director of the Insurance Inspection Department. His responsibilities included planning and conducting inspections at insurance undertakings, insurance distributors and general pension societies. He took part in developing supervisory guidelines and recommendations and conducting pre-application and application processes for internal models of insurance undertakings. From 2020, he was Acting Managing Director of the Insurance Supervision Division, responsible for supervising insurance sector matters related to solvency, risk assessment, licensing and authorisations, and inspections.

From 2014 to 2020, Krystian Wiercioch was the representative of the UKNF at the International Organisation of Pension Supervisors (IOPS). Since 2021, he has served as member of the supervisory board of the Insurance Guarantee Fund.
Krystian Wiercioch holds a Master’s degree awarded by the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw, where he defended a thesis on the application of mathematics in finance. He has participated in numerous training courses and seminars in the area of insurance and actuarial science.