The KNF Board - Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego


Marcin Mikołajczyk

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Marcin Mikołajczyk

Marcin Mikołajczyk has nearly 20 years of practical experience in supervisory activities, including in specific aspects of operation of commercial banks and financial security network. Since 2009, Mr Mikołajczyk has held managerial positions at the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority (UKNF) in the area of banking supervision, analysis and assessment of the economic position of the banking sector, risk monitoring and compliance with prudential standards at commercial banks. Since 2017, he has acted as Deputy Director of the Commercial and Specialist Banking and Payment Institutions Department (currently: Commercial and Specialist Banking Department), being responsible  for the supervision of sectoral analytical activities and ongoing supervision of systemically important banks. He has participated in numerous major projects related to the supervision of the banking sector in Poland.

He has been designated by the UKNF as a member of national and international expert groups on supervision, analysis and regulation in the banking sector.

Mr Mikołajczyk completed master’s degree in Finance and Banking at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and was awarded a doctorate in Economic Sciences. He is a researcher and member of academic staff at the SGH Institute of Banking. Active participant in university life, BA and MA thesis supervisor and author of publications on banking and finance.